Sunday, March 07, 2004

The Tub

The way she holds her body in the tepid water, I can admire that. It is no experience in tenseness. It’s soft swirls of dirt and pitch in the gray water as she brushes it off like so much sin.

Ill sit at the edge of the tub and listen, she needs this, to be cleaner in other ways. If there was anything I could say that I would truly miss from my life, it would be these moments where two people can be so open and naked in front of one another, so genuine and comprehensible.

I say that I listen. It’s true, we don’t take turns with passiveness, we share, I tell her about my lingering dread for the city and she shares a day a week of apprehensions and misgivings.

That’s the gist of it. I need it just as much as she does, it cleans me up inside. What a nice human story.

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