Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Mail be a beautiful letter, babe

I got a letter today... It talked about my insurance rates, and how my seeming ability to avoid accidents, combined with my propensity towards paying the insurance company on time, all came together to give me a lowest of low premium charge. Much to my chagrin, I gracefully accepted their offer to charge me less and walked with proud steps to the mailbox with my check in hand. Never have I been so happy to pay a bill, because I feel like I just got a damn good break, that for once in my life I was being rewarded for my impish behavior.

Out of the blue comes this huge fucking truck, smashing the front off my car and blowing the hood recklessly down the road, clipping cars and onlookers on the way. I just sit and watch, knowing full well that premiums are inverting this experience for me and that they are probably going to come shooting through my ass.

that's what I will think as the glass shatters my face and the airbag ruptures my spleen. I will think, too bad this mighty rig didn't have crumple zones, cause that write off would have saved me another 10 a month. And when my body lies in pieces in a hospital bed or even a casket, if even it sits in a bucket while kind words are recited, ill always have on my mind that the liability/fault of accident card can be played at anytime, cause that's how I'm ending this battle, with the same damned recognition I started with...

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