Monday, December 27, 2004

Orally Yours

I would have to say it was the Spanish who invented oral sex, and for many reasons. The conjugation of a verb or the oral processing of a cluster of R’s pours off the tip of the tongue with a vibration only akin to energy designed to stir a lover’s blood.

Such cunnilingus of speech leaves one no doubt when drawing parallels between a softly bent Spanish T, to the careful angles of luring the clitoris out of its fleshy hiding spots. The O’s are gentle twitches of the lips that brush away troublesome hairs. J’s are muted conveniently to emit a rumble of pleasing echoes; all directed upward the lips, all ferocity of its formation funneled upward to waiting nerves; albeit pert nipples of philosophy or the ecstatic labia of current events. Perhaps the Perineum of politics…

And to the elation residing in the rest of the long vowels… Even the accented Ń; it sends its hungering lips to ridges and senses indescribable by my uptight English tongue. Those sultry diphthongs that light up the Mexican night, driving us all to shudder when it’s finally all through. A thousand young mouths throbbing to the beat of the livid and languid tongue, all wrestling their bodies to give enough force for one more ménage with tonight’s spoken volumes.

What Provocateurs,
What Oral Artisans…

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